Skincare Tips
Optimal Results: Apply the Skincare Routine Twice a Day, Morning and Evening
Individual results may vary based on your skin's unique condition. Our recommendation of ten days is informed by insights gathered from focus group observations.
Prioritize hand hygiene: Always thoroughly wash your hands before touching your face.
Don't rush your skincare routine! Ensure optimal absorption by allowing all products to penetrate the skin before proceeding to the next step for a more effective beauty regimen.
When applying the cream, opt for a hygienic small spatula or spoon to avoid contamination. Refrain from using bare hands directly into the jar for optimal skincare hygiene.
To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to consistently apply all three steps in the correct order twice a day.
Daily Washing
The best way to prevent and control acne is by washing your face regularly. Aim for twice a day—once in the morning and once in the evening. You can also wash after exercise. For the best result, massage a non-abrasive cleanser into your skin using your fingertips (not a washcloth or sponge, which can irritate your skin).
Remember, you can have too much of a good thing. Scrubbing too hard too often can irritate your skin and make acne worse.
Don’t Touch
Though your fingers are helpful for washing your face, they should stay far away during the rest of the day. Your hands contain bacteria that could make acne worse if you touch your face too frequently.
Don’t Pick or Pop
Some may find it difficult not to pop a whitehead or pick at acne scabs. But saying no to picking, popping, and poking is critical. Not only does it hurt, but it can also lead to long-lasting scars and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark spots that remain after acne clears).
Wash your pillowcase as often as possible
You can also consider using a silk pillowcase,.
Give Your Skin Care Routine Time
If you try a new product and it doesn’t work, you might be tempted to change your routine immediately. But it takes time for skin care routines to take effect. It’s best to give a new routine a few weeks before switching products.
Pay Attention to Hair Care
When you’re so focused on clearing up your skin, you might not think about your scalp. But oil from your scalp can make your skin even more oily. Shampoo your hair regularly and keep it pulled back from your face to avoid spreading oil.
Avoid Oily Hair Products
Just like oil from your hair can leak onto your skin, so can oil from hair products. Avoid oily hair products when you’re battling acne.
Remove Makeup
Makeup, even if it’s oil-free, can clog your pores and contribute to acne. Always remove makeup (with an oil-free cleanser) each night before bed.
Use chemical free makeup.
Practice SPF Protection
The sun can sometimes make acne worse. In addition, some acne medications can leave you especially vulnerable to harmful rays. Wear sunscreen with SPF 30, and wear a hat when you’re outdoors.
Be Proactive
You may be tempted to wait and see what happens, especially if you’re just starting to deal with acne. But being proactive and treating acne early can help prevent future breakouts and scarring.